The Press council is starting the realisation of a nine month project, in cooperation with United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and with financial support from the European Union. The aim of this project is to strengthen the capacity and role of the self-regulatory body for print and online media. Within the project […] детаљније >
The Journalists’ Code was violated almost three thousand times during the state of emergencyThe six most visited online media outlets in Serbia violated the Journalists’ Code as many as 2,829 times in just three months, according to the results of the monitoring, which was conducted from the beginning of April to the end of June […] детаљније >
Legal Leaks toolkit (ser, pdf)The Guide was prepared by the Access Info Europe and the Network for Reporting on Eastern Europe (n-ost). детаљније >
Report: A needs-assessment of the media councils in South East Europe (pdf)Autor: Catherine Speller and UNESCOThe report aims to encourage the improved functionality and long – term sustainability of five media self – regulatory bodies in South East Europe. детаљније >
On 8 and 9 October 2015, UNESCO sponsored the participation of representatives from press councils in South-East Europe to the annual meeting of the Alliance of Independent Press Councils in Europe (AIPCE), a European network of self-regulatory bodies for press and broadcast media… LINK детаљније >