Seven press councils from Southeast Europe and Turkey will start a social media campaign tomorrow against misinformation in the online environment. The campaign is aimed at the media community, as well as the public, because press and media councils from the region want to, with joint efforts, fight against disinformation and remind them of the […] детаљније >
(Source: The way the domestic tabloids reported, offering the disturbing photos of the boby of a young man drawn out of water, is inadmissible, and the speculation and guesses that it is the missing Split-born Mateja Peris, while it was not yet confirmed, violates the basic provisions of the Journalists Code and basic ethical […] детаљније >
By publishing photos of the young man’s body, which had been in the water for several months, and unconfirmed allegations from the investigation, several daily newspapers and portals violated the Code of Journalists of Serbia and disturbed the public.The Press Council reminds colleagues that, according to the Code, the misuse of photos and data obtained […] детаљније >
The students of three classes of the first grade of the First Belgrade High School participated today in a public class about media literacy. Basic concepts, such as disinformation, fake news, media manipulation, were explained to them through the “Fake News” exhibition set up in the gymnasium hall. The exhibition, organized by the Press […] детаљније >
(Source: 020media) “The face of the deceased person, anyone at all, simply must not appear in the media,” said for the portal 020 Media Tamara Skrozza journalist and member of the Complaints Commission of the Press Councils. Social networks have been discussing the image in which the face of the deceased mufti Zukorlić appears allegedly […] детаљније >
(Source: Zoomer) Yesterday, a regional media conference “Where have diverse voices gone” was held in Belgrade, in which our portal also participated, as an example of good practice of cross-border cooperation for the story of the “Open Balkans” initiative.The results of media monitoring in the Balkan countries were presented at the conference. The main finding […] детаљније >
(Source: Insajder Tv)You will appear in the newspaper – a phrase we often use when we point out to someone he is in danger or doing something wrong.But what happens when that threat materializes? What if you are so-called ordinary person who doesn’t do public work, so you end up in a newspaper, that is, […] детаљније >
(Source: N1Info) Violations of the Code of Journalists of Serbia were recorded last year in 5,715 journalistic texts, according to the monitoring of the Press Council.During the observed period, from July 1 to December 31 last year, the daily Alo violated the Code most, the Serbian Telegraph was second in the number of violations, while […] детаљније >
(Source: N1, Author: Beta ) The Press Council presented the research data that half of the respondents believe that the media in which they work has the capacity to draft an internal code of ethics, but a large part of the media would accept support and assistance in drafting that act.A survey on “Are the […] детаљније >
(Source: Politika)INTERVIEW: VIDA PETROVIĆ ŠKERO, member of the Complaints Commission of the Press Council and the Center for Judicial ResearchSuch political and legal conditions are needed that citizens can expect judges to convict everyone, even those who are representatives of other branches of government and any powerful person.She was a judge all her working life, […] детаљније >
(Source: Technical changes in the media cannot affect ethical codes and the purpose of why we inform, ethical values are even stronger today than they were 100 years ago and in the digital environment tools are needed to implement them, it was said today at online workshops Ethics and values in the digital age.At […] детаљније >
(Source: Južne vesti) Students of Niš primary schools can see how important it is to recognize fake news and what media literacy is at the Press Council exhibition “Media literacy against fake news”. It was opened at the Branko Miljković Elementary School in Niš, and at the beginning of December it will move to high […] детаљније >
Source:( Radio television Vojvodina NOVI SAD) – Representatives of the Association of Journalists of Vojvodina, the Press Council and media outlets , at a round table “Professional and ethical standards in Serbian journalism”, discussed issues of media literacy, ethical standards and economic status of journalists. The gathering was held in the Media Center of Radio-Television […] детаљније >
Source: (Novi magazin) The commissions for the evaluation of projects for media content production are independent in their work, but there is an obligation to respect the adopted Media Strategy and the accompanying Action Plan, the Minister of Culture and Information Maja Gojković stated today.In a written statement, Gojković stated that this means that “media […] детаљније >
(Source: Danas) The Assembly of Free Serbia called on domestic and foreign companies that adhere to the concept of social responsibility, to urgently stop advertising in the media that continuously and daily violate the journalistic code.”We are telling companies that intentional violations of the journalistic code, ie propaganda abuse of the media, are not only […] детаљније >
(Source: Novi magazin) Secretary of the Press Council Gordana Novaković said that the Complaints Commission received 163 complaints during 2020, which is the largest number of complaints so far.Novakovic said at the video conference today that the members of the Commission reviewed 118 complaints and that in “only 16 cases” they decided that the Journalist’s […] детаљније >
(Source: Beta) Secretary General of the Press Council Gordana Novakovic said that this independent, self-regulatory body received 165 complaints in 2020, twice as many as a year earlier, and in most cases the Journalist’s Code of Ethics of Serbia was violated and the citizens who complained were right.”Since the Press Council started working, the complaints […] детаљније >
(Source: Danas) When the dominant role in the media is played by the so-called yellow press, prone to sensationalism and exaggeration, it is especially important to know what the limits of freedom of reporting are, that is, how far the media can penetrate the personal sphere of individuals.There is no question that in a democratic […] детаљније >
(Source: RTS) By analyzing the work of only six online media, the Press Council determined that the Journalists’ Code was violated 2,829 times. From April 1 to the end of June, the work of the “Serbia Today” portal was analyzed, which records the most violations, followed by “Telegraf”, “Espresso”, B92, while “Mondo” and 021 had […] детаљније >
(Source: Fonet) – Since the beginning of last year, 131 complaints have been submitted to the Press Council’s Complaints Commission for violations of the Journalist’s Code of Ethics of Serbia, which is an increase of more than 100 percent compared to last year, when it was 61, and the most pertain to “the crime section, […] детаљније >
(Source: Cenzolovka ) – The report of the Press Council on co-financing media that violate ethical standards showed that most commissions that allocate money from the budget do not care about the rules, and hand out money to the media that violate the Code on a daily basis. Despite the Ministry supervising the implementation of laws and regulations, […] детаљније >
(Source: euractiv ) – The adoption of a new media strategy is the key to success in exercising the right to quality information, but strong political will is needed to protect the media as a supervisory body for monitoring democracy, said Norwegian Ambassador to Serbia Jorn Gjelstard. He also said that “there is a need to strengthen the […] детаљније >
(Source: 021 ) – A member of the Press Council and journalist Tamara Skrozza said that 14 complaintswere submitted to the Press Council's Complaints Commission regarding the case of writing about theabduction of a girl Monica from the vicinity of Nis.According to the statement, Skrozza pointed out that the number of complaints is "a record since thatself-regulatory […] детаљније >
(Source: n1 ) – Aleksandar Gajović, State Secretary at the Ministry of Culture and Information, stated as a guest on N1 that media that violate the Journalists’ Code should not receive money from the budget. “I think that the Code of Journalists is well written, very honorable and honest, and I personally think that absolutely everyone should respect […] детаљније >
(Danas) Eight daily newspapers in Serbia last year made a total of 3,615 violations of the Code of Journalists of Serbia, and only from August to December, it was said on the presentation of media monitoring by the Press Council Most of the offenses were recorded in the newspaper Alo – 929. The second place is […] детаљније >
(Извор: YouTube) – Редакција Youth Vibes-a је, у организацији Deutsche Welle академије, провела један дан у Београду. Овај тим имао је прилику да посети Савет за штампу, научи доста од старијих колега са портала Еспресо.рс, али и размени искуства са младим новинарима портала за младе Мингл.рс у оквиру Београдске отворене школе. детаљније >
(Source: FoNet) – The Press Council today expressed a protest over the decision of the Commission for evaluation of projects in the field of public information in Belgrade to allocate budget money to newspapers that continuously violate the Code of Journalists of Serbia.The Council warned in a statement that “drastic ignoring the prescribed rules and […] детаљније >
Извор: Libertatea (пдф) детаљније >
Press councils in South East Europe are facing many challenges as they work to raise professional standards and strengthen the social standing of journalism in the region… LINK детаљније >